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Had to stop and do some serious canoeing from Wareham to Hamworthy - after I built the canoe.

Found the sander!

Er...Need more tape replacing

Not sure this is a good idea.

Its ready to for the taping

er... except for this bit.

and this

Had to stop for lots of this!

And this

and this

and more important this! My brothers birthday.

He didnt see me steal that

fishing under the pier

nearly there

Im holding it, hes sweeping it

dads sleeping again.

Telling Nanna how big my fish was - that got away.

Wetting the joints for taping

Microfibring her so that the water wont get in

Taping it and resining the tape so it can be nice and strong

and keep the water out

More varnish

Its looking pretty already

I love varnish

It really finishes the job

and the sides

and now Im microfibring the cockpit

and some more

and taping it. Dads grump as hes to short to reach in here

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